Goya CEO has spicy rhetoric for Dems

Democrats have hamstrung working Americans, says a company CEO during a Labor Day interview.

The Democrats in Washington have “declared a war on the working class,” and have “incentivized people to stay home” rather than to hold jobs, Goya Foods CEO Bob Unanue

“I see two paths that we can take, to love, build, create, and prosper, or to hate, divide, and destroy and that’s what they’ve done,” Unanue said.” “We’ve taken the last two years and declared a war on fossil fuel. We’ve looked weak … we have just declared a war on the working class, putting people out of work.”

“I see two paths that we can take, to love, build, create, and prosper, or to hate, divide, and destroy and that’s what they’ve done,” Unanue said.

“We’ve taken the last two years and declared a war on fossil fuel. We’ve looked weak … we have just declared a war on the working class, putting people out of work.”

In his blistering comments Unanue, whose company has its pulse on the Spanish community said, “We need to get back to work,” he said. “How can you build back better when you have this narrative of hate and destruction and division?”

He concluded his remarks by saying, the government needs to “get out of the way” so businesses can prosper again, said Unanue.

“You know, the government does not create jobs,” he said. “Businesses create jobs … we’ve got to get back to work and get the government out of our churches and out of our lives. And I think voting will be the first step there.”

I believe he speaks for many in the Spanish community with this sentiment. Perhaps the Democrats should be concerned?