Today will be a feast for the eyes in DC

As Christians celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany on Wednesday, which marks the Magi visitation to the manger sheltering Jesus, the word epiphany means the unveiling or manifestation.

So here we are early Wednesday morning 4 AM EST and here’s what we know.

The Georgia Senate races will not be called anytime soon as three counties stop counting votes and will allegedly restart the count at 8 AM. Not sure when stopping the count became a thing?

Overnight reports coming out of Rome alleged Italian authorities have detained two men in connection with interference in the 2020 presidential election.

One man — a recently retired CIA officer Stephan Serafini — allegedly coordinated with Italian Gen. Claudio Grazziana, who sits on the board of Italian military contractor Leonardo SPA , to use its military satellite to upload the software and change the votes from Trump to Biden on servers in Frankfurt, Germany.

Italian authorities allegedly have recordings and photos of the two individuals working out of the Rome embassy. More to come on this.

So here is what I expect to happen today beginning at 1 PM at the Capitol Building.

Vice President Mike Pence will gavel in the session and follow the procedures laid out in The Constitution for quantifying the Electoral College votes. He will entertain all challenges to contested states that submitted dual slates of electors, providing the challenge has both a senator and house member objecting.

When all the theatrics are over Pence will decide to send contested Electoral College slates back to those states’ legislators to reconcile their votes and resubmit before Jan. 20.

And of course that’s when the fun starts.

I’ll come back to this at about 8 AM and post any new updates, including some breaking news happening as I write on the Seth Rich murder.