New NSA IG is well aware of FISA-gate

It appears Robert Storch the newly appointed Inspector General for the NSA will become a major player in the Washington DC drama that will play out once the FISA application documents are declassified and released.

Storch comes out of the Justice Department Inspector General’s office headed up by Michael Horowitz, which means he will hit the ground running in the investigation of the Obama administration’s compliance with the Clinton presidential campaign to undermine the Trump campaign with the false Russian Dossier.

Storch will have access to and can supply all communications between White House officials and the Clinton campaign. These communications will Include the cozy meeting between Bill Clinton and Obama Attorney General Loretta Lynch on the Phoenix tarmac.

This meeting — to talk allegedly about the grandkids —  reportedly had a phone participant in the Oval Office, which the NSA would have the transcripts to prove.

Could this chat have focused on getting Lynch on board with — when the time came — to launch an investigation through the DOJ and FBI when the Russian Dossier was completed. Was the Oval Office participant on the line to make sure Lynch knew this came from her boss?

Well I may have more than is known, but I believe this is why Storch’s appointment should be noted.

2 thoughts on “New NSA IG is well aware of FISA-gate

  1. Pingback: Trump getting push back from Brits, DS to not release FISA documents | Gray's Economy

  2. Pingback: Capablanca's Checkmate Move-NSA IG Storch to "Dream Team" !!! - Dustin Nemos

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