Irony Alert: Rep. Schiff will see FISA warrant lead to his undoing.

President Trump has California Rep. Adam Schiff, who is chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, in his cross hairs for “Presidential Harassment”.

So now Congressman Adam Schiff announces, after having found zero Russian Collusion, that he is going to be looking at every aspect of my life, both financial and personal, even though there is no reason to be doing so. Never happened before! Unlimited Presidential Harassment….

The president went on to say that it is a “witch hunt” that Schiff and his committee are continuing with the narrative of Russian collusion despite special counsel Robert Mueller’s 18-month probe finding nothing actionable against the White House for crimes committed during the campaign.

Yes they nabbed people for process crimes of lying to the FBI, but much of those charges stem from the staffers being spied on by the intelligence agencies unbeknownst to them.

So when they were questioned and the statements did not line up with the tapes, they were charged. Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn is a perfect case for this type of treatment and you noticed that he plead guilty to the charge but has yet to be sentenced despite numerous hearings on the subject.

Coming back to Rep. Schiff. It appears the president is doing more that just taking him to task on Twitter. It appears that Schiff is the subject of a FISA court warrant as well.

Schiff has been probed on the subject of classified leaks coming from the intelligence committee during the last congressional session when he was the minority ranking member on the panel.

Would that not be just retribution that a FISA surveillance would pick up Schiff leaking untruthful information on the classified Mueller investigation.

2 thoughts on “Irony Alert: Rep. Schiff will see FISA warrant lead to his undoing.

  1. Pingback: Los Angeles military raid happen in Rep. Adam Schiff’s district | Gray's Economy

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