Chuck & Nancy can’t defend their wall ‘outrage’

President Trump in his Oval Office speech on Tuesday night gave his most presidential appearance of his term.

Trump was passionate and reserved as he pointed out to the American people the dire need for border security. He concisely pointed out the carnage and mayhem being brought upon this country because of illegal aliens.

His best line of the night centered on the morality of building a wall. “People don’t build walls because they hate the people on the outside, they build walls because they love the people on the inside,” the President said.

Now realizing of course that we are too far down the shutdown road for this, but liberal left politicians spend $5 billion in a cocaine heartbeat on their different agendas.

So if it’s not the amount of money needed for the wall, what is the Democrats rational for not funding the President’s request besides not giving him an important victory now?

Neither Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer nor House Speaker Nancy Pelosi were able to inform the American people why they were against building the wall.

“It’s not as dangerous” as the President says. Is not an answer for the California police officer’s family and others cite by the President.

I’ll venture a guess as to why the liberals are against effective border security. The same reason the European Union is being overrun by Muslims. The globalists’ open borders agenda has brought out the yellow vests in force throughout France, Belgium and Germany to name a few.

Closing the border effectively would also reduce the Democratic Party’s ability to maintain its viability to recruit new members.

While all the parties will meet Wednesday to discuss further funding for border security,  nothing will come of it. So the ball will be in Trump’s court to declare a national emergency or a limited military action at the border to finish building sections not already funded and being constructed.

Chuck and Nancy chose the hill they wanted to die on, but could not give the American people the real reason for this futile effort.

It’s time for the President to move on to more important matters.

3 thoughts on “Chuck & Nancy can’t defend their wall ‘outrage’

  1. The main point is not being considered! How many immigrants before our system collapses? How many immigrants before our middle class disappears? There will only e the very rich and everyone else will be poor!


  2. There is something else that isn’t being considered….Why would anyone think that the so called “rich” will be left standing if immigration runs rampant. Last time I checked…Just cause their “rich”… they still don’t walk on water and they are not holier than thou. They bleed just like everyone else. Bad Immigrants don’t care if they are rich they will just do whatever they want and take what they have as well. No One is safe if we don’t get OUR wall. Please someone tell me… I can’t be the only one to see this…can I?


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